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Saturday, January 14, 2012

5 Do's and Don'ts when hiring a contractor

If your thinking about a remodeling project for your home, don't just open up the phone book and pick the company with the flashiest ad, There's a science to finding the right firm for the job. Have you seen any of the company's work? Is the price of the project in line with the market?
Those are just a couple of starter questions. here are the Do's and Don'ts when it come to hiring contractors:


 Do research your project before you get quotes. It doesn't hurt to find out, at least generally, the correct way your project should be completed. Look at trade magazines and visit home improvement Web sites to explore different approaches to remodeling. Sometimes there is more than one way to complete a project. For example, one painting contractor may prefer to paint your room with a tinted primer followed by two coats of latex paint, but another may use a one-coat self-priming paint. Find out what industry standards are, what is a no-no under any circumstances or what might work best for your project. A little knowledge gives you power to negotiate the nest price for the best work.

Don't Think a little knowledge makes you an expert. Above all, don't think your project will be completed like projects you see portrayed on TV. Home improvement TV shows are deceiving. There are whole crews bringing the project to a finish in-between the time the camera is rolling. Mistakes are edited out. Remember that every remodeling project is different, and there can be hidden complications. Most reputable contractors will keep you informed of any unexpected developments and will discuss solutions with, including estimated extra costs.


Do get competitive bids. For small projects, calling two or three contractors is usually sufficient. For larger, more extensive projects, it's wise to have a minimum of four to five contractors bidding against each other.

Don't take the lowest bid offered , thinking you will be getting the best deal, even if your contractor shows up in a designer polo in a big shiny truck with custom lettering looking like the perfect professional. Be leery of any contractor eager to bid lower than everyone else. It's common practice for less-reputable- remodelers to have "hidden costs" they spring on you later in the project.


Do negotiate for the best price. Pick the best contractors, and give them a chance to bid against each other for your project. Most contractors are willing to negotiate. If you can't get them to negotiate on the labor price, ask them to offer you discounts on materials. Most contractors get commercial discounts between 5%-25% from suppliers and may be able to offer you a portion, if not all, of this discount without suffering a loss on the value of their time.

Don't get too obsessed with negotiating. Contractors often pay high insurance and overhead costs, especially if they have employees. They want to work for you, but if you want a high-quality product, keep in mind that a reputable contractor with good references will walk away from your project if he thinks good references will walk away from your project if he thinks you are under-valuing his skills.


Do insist on a comprehensive contract. Surprisingly, many people think a contract locks them into a set price, which is not really the case. Anyone can write a number a down on paper. The most important aspect of any remodeling contract is the detailed scope of services to be provided. Even for small jobs, this is the key to getting services with a set price. For example, if your contractor is replacing an old window, never, never accept a contract that says: "Window Replacement $XXX.XXX!". The contract should specify whether or not the window will be removed and disposed of (not all contractors dispose of construction debris); whether the new window will be hauled and weatherized; or even whether the old window molding will be reapplied or replaced. Also, the contract should state how long it will take to reasonable complete services, as well as what kind of materials will be used.

Don't ignore payment terms, which can vary greatly between contractors. Make sure you understand terms fully. Pay your contractor in a timely manner, especially if he's efficient and provides quality workmanship. If you find the contractor is not meeting his end of the bargain, you have every right to withhold payment until a certain portion of the work is completed in accordance with the terms of your contract.


Do check references, and if possible, look at a portfolio of finished projects. try to arrange a visit to a site where the contractor performed work similar to your own project.

Don't let a contractor's charm sway you. The best con artists can "talk a dog off a meat wagon." If you are investing a sizable amount of money into a remodeling project, you want to endure that the contractor has a good track record by calling or visiting client references- not his relatives. If possible, try to talk with clients who have finished projects more than a year old. Newly remodeled area always look great compared with old, but work that still looks great a year or more later is proof of quality workmanship.

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