As the housing market it expands it has taken to installing technology favoring items that for many, have always been manually kept. While for home owners who have been in the market for some time may find some issues trying to understand all the new devices moving forward...many of the new home owners are looking to integrate as much of their technology into the home as possible.
Smart Thermostats
These devices run to personalize the home temperature more accurately to the people inside the home and use the Wifi available to monitor the temperatures outside and adjust the temperature inside the home accordingly. These devices also allow the home owner to adjust the thermostat from their phone or other electronic device instead of having to get up and change it manually. Depending on the thermostat that has been invested in, depends on the range of functions it may allow. Some are designed to be user friendly and learn the users preferences as it is used while others will have to be manually updated with the preferences desired. Installation also depends on the brand desired. Some thermostats must be professionally installed while other brands can be installed by the home owner.
Smart Light Switches
Like the thermostat, the smart light switches work to cut the costs of the electricity bill by functioning to reduce unnecessary usage. These switches connect through the Wifi as well and can be controlled from a cell phone or electronic device as well as set up schedules for when you would like the lights to be on or off. In order for these to function appropriately it is required to have smart light bulbs. Dimming capabilities are not yet an option on some of these brands as well.
Smart Air-Quality Monitors
These monitors run to measure the air quality of the home and adjust accordingly without the manual change previously required by the user. It can send alerts to a cell phone or electronic devices to keep the users informed about the air quality and any alerts that may arise in the home. It will link through the Wifi and through the home phone line, meaning if necessary the device itself can make an emergency call. Depending of the brand chosen depends on the amount of information it can read, its overall functions, and price.
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